High Peak Osteopathic Ltd

Award holder

About High Peak Osteopathic Ltd

Award date: 27th February 2021

A qualified and fully registered osteopath, John Tourle MCIPD BSc (Hons) BOst (Hons) promotes the importance of the great outdoors for mental and physical health. On social media and in his marketing, all set in the beautiful Peak District National Park, John encourages people to get outside and enjoy their surroundings. He is working hard to reduce the environmental impact of his services; energy comes from renewable sources and the remaining carbon footprint is offset, plus the products used during treatments are environmentally responsible. What’s really special to High Peak Osteopathic is that for each appointment completed two trees are planted. With a total of over 900 already planted, the goal is to increase this to 5000 trees per year!

Address: 6a High Street, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6EU

Phone: 07427116928

Email: jtourle@hotmail.com

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